How much does a masonry heater cost?

Shipping and installation at your location are additional and will vary. Our custom-made freestanding soapstone heater, called the Cottage Heater, is a great choice for a smaller 1,000 to 1,200 square foot home, or for space heating in a larger home. This unit is completely handmade with refractory bricks and cast refractory components for the core and soapstone as the coating. Because we pre-cut the materials for the outside and inside of the heater in our workshop, the installation of this heater can be done in about three days.

The outlet can be at the rear or top, and the heater can be constructed with or without an upper chamber cooking oven.

Masonry heaters

are wood stoves with a welded steel or cast iron housing replaced by bricks and mortar. They are very efficient at heating an entire house and produce much higher temperatures with their fuel than standard metal stoves. Like all forms of heating, they have certain advantages and disadvantages.

Masonry heaters emit heat more efficiently and with less pollution than any other type of wood fireplace, wood stove, or pellet stove. On the other hand, if you have a masonry heater, it may be the only house in your neighborhood that has heating during a power outage. If it's a custom Tulikivi, Tulikivi Oyj has additional fees for cutting and shipping the additional pieces of soapstone and designing the heater assembly. Both units are classified as standard masonry heaters with 4 inches of free space for fuel on the sides and back, 8 on the top and 48 on the front of the cargo door.

If these two drawbacks make these heaters out of the ordinary, you might want to consider a pellet stove, which is also an energy-efficient heater, or a soapstone wood stove, which looks similar to masonry heaters, but is not made of solid masonry and is therefore less expensive and is therefore less expensive and lightweight. American Masonry Heater and Oven produces affordable, efficient and easy to use heating cores and wood ovens for the builder, all in kit form. An additional advantage is that a masonry heater can work like a passive solar gain heater if placed in a place where it can receive direct sunlight and release that radiant heat slowly back into the room. Because heat is retained and released slowly during the day, a masonry heater doesn't need to be refueled as frequently as other appliances that burn wood.

If it's a custom masonry heater (other than Tulikivi), it's probably made of stone and brick, for us to design and assemble it ourselves. A masonry heater can provide primary heating for a moderate-sized home if it's centrally located so that radiant heat can reach rooms throughout the house.

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